Thursday 6 December 2012

Surprise for mom! Low FODMAP and gluten-free snacks and cake

It's my mom's milestone birthday coming up and we are having a surprise party for her at a local bar/restaurant. My mom (like most mothers) is a pretty awesome lady. She is smart, kind, caring, motivated and capable of doing countless things at once - including a Masters of Nursing while working two careers and having a farm. However for most of her life she has been plagued with uncomfortable digestive issues. Over the years, she has tried many things and has finally found a solution. For the last year, she has been on a low FODMAPs and gluten-free diet.

FODMAPs stands for Fermentable Oligo-, Di- and Mono-saccharides, and Polyols, which are mostly carbohydrates found in certain fruits, vegetables, wheats, lactose and pretty much all processed foods. FODMAPs are theorized to be the main cause of digestive issues in the small and large intestines. (This website is great for information!)

Since she cut out FODMAPs and gluten, she has lost a ton of weight, looks great and probably most importantly, feels great. I don't know how she did it. It must have taken buckets of will power and patience. I mean, no breads or pastas? Not even apples! And having to be vigilant about reading labels on foods. Even something as simple as vegetable broth has onions, garlic and wheat products.

However, due to her complex diet she can't eat most restaurant foods and yet her party is at a restaurant. Thankfully the manager is allowing me to bring special foods just for her.

So here's the mom food plan:
  • rice crackers
  • almonds
  • plain ol' popcorn
  • vegetables like carrots, celery, red pepper and cucumber
  • "special" salmon dip (see recipe)
  • flourless chocolate and almond cake (see recipe link)

 "Special" Salmon Dip
 I got the recipe for a salmon dip from my good South African friend. I made it for Thanksgiving and it was a great success. However, the onions, cream, chicken broth, and mayonnaise make it unsuitable for a low FODMAPs diet. So I changed it. And since I can't even follow my own recipe, the following measurements are all approximate.

  • 1/2 cup of vegetable broth (homemade - I used a tsp of tomato paste, water, parsley, oregano, cucumber, carrot and celery **no onions or garlic!!)
  • 1 tbsp gelatin (some people may not be able to have gelatin)
  • 1/4 cup olive oil mayonnaise
  • 1/4 soy cream
  • 1 can of salmon (or tuna), brine included 
  • fresh dill, about 2 tbsp (or more? I guessed)
  • 1 stalk of celery
  • squeeze of lemon
  • Salt, parsley, oregano
  1. Warm up the vegetable broth. Stir the gelatin into it so it dissolves.
  2. Add everything into a blender.
  3. Blend.
  4. Transfer to a container. Cover and let sit in the refrigerator for a few hours to let the gelatin set.
  5. Enjoy with crackers and vegetables.
Super difficult, I know!

Finished dip (before it set)

Flourless Almond and Chocolate Cake

I also made a special cake for her. I scoured the internet for gluten-free cake recipes and while there are MANY! I didn't really feel like buying all those special ingredients like sorghum flour or xanthan gum. I wanted to make some simple, yummy and easy. I found this recipe for Flourless Almond and Chocolate Cake on another blog.

Click here for the recipe.

Ingredients needed: dark chocolate, coffee, rum, caster sugar, butter, ground almonds, eggs

What I liked about the recipe is that it didn't require many special ingredients beyond ground almonds and caster sugar, which I found at the local baking supply store downtown. You can also find it at bulk food stores. Caster sugar is finely granulated sugar. The lady at the store gave me fruit sugar powder when I asked for caster sugar, so I guess it's the same thing. And the recipe has dark chocolate in it, which is something mom can eat in moderation.

Since it doesn't have regular flour or baking powder in it, you have to whip and fold in the egg whites as if you were making a mousse or meringue.

I opted to top the cake with more melted dark chocolate, raspberries and almonds.

Out of the springform pan

Decorated Flourless Chocolate Cake

 The verdict:

The original dip I made didn't work out - not enough gelatin. But I tried again and updated the recipe on this post.
But the cake! Oh the cake!! IT'S SOOOO GOOD! Even if you aren't leading a gluten-free life, you must try it! I'm making it again for my family's Christmas potluck.

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